Bringing your ideas into research

Unmet needs and requirement are the first creative part of developing an idea.
Your idea connecting to health markets.

Going step by step to success

Within early dialogue and advice getting a first approach towards a strategy to health market. Process and project management to speed up development.

connecting to services you  needs

The technical support you need. Technical certicfication, envrionmental aspects assessment, organisational support.

Legal and business aspects

Funding and financial support is needed as administrative support as well as legal advice to avoid loosing money.

Some of our members

As a member driven network have a look who is included as member within our network to support innovators in the area of health. Some examples on how different our members are and how common their aim is.

Scientific network as a member

The Spanish network is the first national scientific network to join OITBpathway

Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red
Institution as a member

The institution shows the connection of research, science and clinical development

Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes


Company as a member

Greendecision is a spin-off company of University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, which aims to transfer academic knowledge and technology in the fields of sustainability, risk and resilience.

Company as a member

dkHealth is supporting global health related networks and the idea of knowledge driven decision making. Based on the HTA experienced since 2000, implementation support of health technologies with proposed added values is the focus.

dkHealth PG